Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tired And A Very Tight Chest With Cough

with our values \u200b\u200band our people. ALL IN ROME!

Lately there who is saying around that the Italian right is dead ... That the People of Liberty has no future ... Is there anyone who thinks they are the sole owner of the future ... Someone has betrayed the values \u200b\u200band ideals ... There are so many women, men, boys, you are slowly disillusioning of a policy of gossip and rumors ...

But there are some who still believe. In our ideas and our people. who has never stopped a moment to think that "Tomorrow Belongs to Us". Who wants to be star of the future, beyond the acronyms political parties and ... A community that has always run together and now wants to grow and become a reference point for all its people ...

On 5 December, in Rome, we will be there ... With a ruling class that was formed in youth movements in the streets, squares, schools and universities, and now wants to be towed and value added for the People of Freedom ... With Giorgia Meloni, Fabio Rampelli, Marco Scurria ... With the right of doing ... With our ideas and ... OUR PEOPLE!

TO PARTICIPATE: 338/3271463


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