Monday, November 22, 2010

Boiler Interrupted Gas Supply

25 November - International Day Against Violence Against Women

Violence against women has many faces: the killings and rapes are the most dramatic aspects of the violence inside and outside the home, at work, on the streets. Such suffering and humiliation. It is the leading cause of death among women worldwide.

Violence against women is part of a global culture which denies women equal opportunities and equal rights and legitimizes the violent appropriation of their bodies for individual gratification or political ends. Millions of women around the world from domestic violence are terrorized, enslaved in forced marriages, bought and sold to feed the market of prostitution, or raped as trophies of war tortured in detention.

On November 25 we celebrate the International Day Against Violence Against Women, a date chosen in memory of three sisters Miraball, tortured, raped and killed by military intelligence of Santo Domingo in 1960 under the dictatorship of Trujillo, for wanting to visit political prisoners (

Every year on November 25th is an opportunity to promote efforts to combat violence against women and create a collective consciousness so that the perpetrators of violence do not go unpunished and the victims without any possibility of compensation.


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