Monday, May 10, 2010

What Is A Good Small Tv

bullying and bullying I

Our school made us watch a film on Gandhi and what he represented in the history of Indian people and the entire community. He, in fact, after studying in England he moved to South Africa where he had seen so much violence, of course, refused to accept. He then decided to face the British in India without using violence, and in this way, managing to get the necessary things for the people of India. He always said that after his death should be continued non-violence around the world. My reflection on the film is that I realized that Gandhi got everything that was right without using violence, and that each of us in our small daily actions can begin to change our way of life by practicing non-violence and respect others.
In the world of young people there is a lot of violence that leads nowhere. Bullying is a form of violence we hear about a lot in schools. My experience happened last year when I took around and react to provocations using their hands. Right now I'm trying to improve myself in the negative aspects. I took around for fun and make him feel bad or isolate it. The school adopted serious measures towards me but I did not care at all. Thought it was right and it was getting worse until I realized that it was going badly and I gave up. I realized that I felt only slowly, but with the help of teachers and the community I realized that this was a very bad way right now and I regret the things I've done.


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