Monday, May 24, 2010

Pain In Palm Of Hand Near Pinky

conference on bullying and bullying

Violence is a behavior that is used in the most vulnerable people, those who do not know how to defend and are very fearful. About the implementation does not understand that we are all equal and respect each other's right, do not beat and do not poke fun. I happened to see the facts of this kind in public places, inside the school and other places. I saw people who beat and insulted in a very vulgar while others commit acts of vandalism. The bullying is something that should not be there in real life and it's not like when you joke but you hurt others and the person who is beaten until you feel very bad not to leave the house anymore. The night may have nightmares or anxiety. The bullying captain more often from 7 to 16 years by both boys and girls, the latter usually make fun of the way of dressing, make-up or excluded from the group. I happened to be teased for the way you dress, I felt like a different girl from the other even if I tried to defend myself. You can overcome this by going to a psychologist or talking with parents who give you tips on how to deal or compete with friends.
(Mariana Gessa)


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