Casaggì long since launched its campaign to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy. Have already been printed and distributed flyers in every school twenty thousand, while there has also enabled a media campaign on the internet. We put up posters about three thousand three colors with the word "Italian pride" and the eponymous student campaign. We have organized and carried out a successful conference in Certaldo, in conjunction with the opening of our local chapter active territory and this Wednesday we will be mass in Pistoia, the regional event in the square of the National Student Movement, always on topic. Other activities are planned, surprisingly, in the coming days. As always we have not spared, even a little.
Here is also the text in the leaflet which we distributed to all schools in the province. The way we remember this moment, obviously not in the choir and institutional cliché of someone who has always spoken against his word "homeland" and today he fills his mouth with easy opportunism:
The 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy reminds us of the greatness of a sense of belonging to a land with thousands of years of history and tradition behind it. Italy deep, made of myths and symbols. Italy's culture and art, genius and adventure. Italy plow and the sword, and the legions of law, the marble against the marsh and sacrifice, innovation and deep roots. The Italy of the Risorgimento and young people who are robbers who are not fold, one that shines in the trenches and then stands and wins on the Piave, which wins River, which builds the national revolution and social justice in Fascism, which is fighting with a handful of soldiers against the armies of the world's most impressive and holds high the banner of honor until the last breath. Italy which is divided, they should slaughter, but he lives and gets back into the game, anyway. Italy has nothing to do with the cracks and the mafia, with castes and games with the palace. Our Italy is a vanguard of style and costume, spirit and thought: a distant relative of the decline that some would impose. Our Italy is that of the future, looking forward without forgetting where it came from, who he is and how it was born. Our Italy is one of insecurity, pizza and mandolins, the uncertain future, hatred of the accursed social welfarism, shame on 8 September 1943, terrorism and the years of terrorism, abortion for everyone, market approval of subjection to foreign and the ethnic and uncontrolled immigration, degradation, materialism, the weak thought. Our nation is daring and action, is the knife between his teeth and sweat on the forehead, the life that blossoms and youth that breaks, the twinkle of a new sun and the pride of being part of it. Our Italy is not a party or a political party, but it's a dream that lives on the skin, a plebiscite, which is renewed every holy day, is the drumbeat and the sovereignty of the people, the freedom to make and anger for a change. Italy is our daily activism, is the gift of oneself to something greater, is putting others before the self-interest and the common good ahead of everything. Our Italy is the one who writes the story without apology and without hesitation, without complaints and without malice. It 'a people with a conscience, is a synthesis of differences and reward for those who deserve it is selection, but also help the weak, identity and pride. E 'Italy that we must build together, like a dream of generations that materializes every day!
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