Thursday, March 17, 2011

Best Conditioming Mascara

The blue economy. The future according to nature. POLO ON

There is no need, there is a lot of unsold ... yet it builds. For municipalities is unclear, because the fan case with infrastructure costs. It is not the answer. Rooting for the decline, recovery, even for the blue green economy. We must change our way of life and production from the thought, design and hosting, management.
We say: One Life to rethink ...
From the WWF website:
Gunter Pauli and the "Blue Economy
wwf.italia. Gunter Pauli and Blue
economy to save the environment does not need money but creativity. And to have enough ideas inspired by the mechanisms of nature and animals. It is believed that the economist Gunter Pauli in a book "Blue economy" has listed the 100 eco-innovations, some already implemented, which will create 100 million jobs in 10 years.

Highlights Diffrence Between Full And Half


Today, March 17, we celebrated in our own way the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy. To take part in the celebrations of the Palace, where trumpets are often pretending to celebrate anniversaries, dates and times in which no suspect refused to acknowledge, we did not care very little.

So we created a two-day immersion militancy: Yesterday we were at mass in Pistoia for the event organized by the Student Movement Nationwide, last night we spent a few hours and paint banners and posters that will soon end up on some wall, today we took the ball to remind duty.

Several thousand leaflets were dropped from the roofs on Republic Square, the birthplace of the avant-gardes. A crowd made the crowd amused to read: it was a nice summary of these 150 years, where you go through the fallen of the Risorgimento, the efforts in the trenches of World War I, the taking of river, solar and the vital experience of Fascism , Italian Social Republic , the thousand sacrifices of the sons of this land and many dreams that still lie ahead.

Then, not content, we colored the Ponte Santa Trinita tricolor with some smoke, attracting the curiosity of many passers-by.

Finally, we took the opportunity to launch our campaign of criticism and reflection against the Hard Rock, which will soon take the place of the old life Gambrinus. What to do with the unification of Italy? Got to do and how. Because when the Patriots tomorrow divesting the occasional tricolor riporranno them in the drawer waiting for the next World Cup, there will be those who will continue to think of Italy as it has done every day. And that someone will be happy to see that the pride of this country, the Florence art and culture will be further reduced to a window open where the brands of multinational companies and trade seem to be a mass 'even stronger attraction of our monuments, more like white elephants. A desert of lights and receipts. A desert that dries up without stopping the identities and traditions, the specificities and differences. A roller that makes it all the same from Beijing to San Francisco. And the Hard Rock, we have carefully papered with posters, is another step to showcase the city.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What Can You Use For A Snowboard Rail

swimming, such as equity?

I attended last night in Modena to the Council of District 4 on the pole to the swimming Ferrari theme park. I wanted to say something, perhaps repetitive, to say no for this obvious choice, but also perhaps to point out to the public something different. At the end of action after consulting with the assessors and have sadly found that their statements are not open. This council has the ability and good sense of retrace his steps if citizens do not agree on a decision not to build the pool or to build it in another place. Always the same old story that happens every time in years on the decisions of the city. It is part of that project, and the maximum you change something, a tree or a cubic meter in a more 'or less. This is not direct involvement, but a palliative. It 's a choice to digest pretending to choose the public. We do not care if the new project is more 'or less similar to that of Jellicoe leave but we are interested in green and broad, re-create a natural park because this is the will of the majority of the citizens of Modena. As for the alternative "lightweight" Modena On, which I appreciate, however, I can not share it because it uses another green area. If you really need there are other areas of recovery that can be reviewed in Modena without using spaces that are still green, for example, the area of \u200b\u200bthe small station of Piazza Manzoni instead of the planned buildings and tower, if we want to provide in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city not served, bag or in the district to redevelop some areas long abandoned.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Back-in-the-office Milena-velba


Casaggì long since launched its campaign to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy. Have already been printed and distributed flyers in every school twenty thousand, while there has also enabled a media campaign on the internet. We put up posters about three thousand three colors with the word "Italian pride" and the eponymous student campaign. We have organized and carried out a successful conference in Certaldo, in conjunction with the opening of our local chapter active territory and this Wednesday we will be mass in Pistoia, the regional event in the square of the National Student Movement, always on topic. Other activities are planned, surprisingly, in the coming days. As always we have not spared, even a little.

Here is also the text in the leaflet which we distributed to all schools in the province. The way we remember this moment, obviously not in the choir and institutional cliché of someone who has always spoken against his word "homeland" and today he fills his mouth with easy opportunism:

The 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy reminds us of the greatness of a sense of belonging to a land with thousands of years of history and tradition behind it. Italy deep, made of myths and symbols. Italy's culture and art, genius and adventure. Italy plow and the sword, and the legions of law, the marble against the marsh and sacrifice, innovation and deep roots. The Italy of the Risorgimento and young people who are robbers who are not fold, one that shines in the trenches and then stands and wins on the Piave, which wins River, which builds the national revolution and social justice in Fascism, which is fighting with a handful of soldiers against the armies of the world's most impressive and holds high the banner of honor until the last breath. Italy which is divided, they should slaughter, but he lives and gets back into the game, anyway. Italy has nothing to do with the cracks and the mafia, with castes and games with the palace. Our Italy is a vanguard of style and costume, spirit and thought: a distant relative of the decline that some would impose. Our Italy is that of the future, looking forward without forgetting where it came from, who he is and how it was born. Our Italy is one of insecurity, pizza and mandolins, the uncertain future, hatred of the accursed social welfarism, shame on 8 September 1943, terrorism and the years of terrorism, abortion for everyone, market approval of subjection to foreign and the ethnic and uncontrolled immigration, degradation, materialism, the weak thought. Our nation is daring and action, is the knife between his teeth and sweat on the forehead, the life that blossoms and youth that breaks, the twinkle of a new sun and the pride of being part of it. Our Italy is not a party or a political party, but it's a dream that lives on the skin, a plebiscite, which is renewed every holy day, is the drumbeat and the sovereignty of the people, the freedom to make and anger for a change. Italy is our daily activism, is the gift of oneself to something greater, is putting others before the self-interest and the common good ahead of everything. Our Italy is the one who writes the story without apology and without hesitation, without complaints and without malice. It 'a people with a conscience, is a synthesis of differences and reward for those who deserve it is selection, but also help the weak, identity and pride. E 'Italy that we must build together, like a dream of generations that materializes every day!


Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Certaldo was held yesterday at the meeting of the Young Italy Empolese. Many participants, who opened the new direction of the local circle of our movement, already active in the area and strong in its forty members. Casaggì Florence, which is a reference point for all the clubs in the area, was present. Our beauty and our desire to do are spreading like wildfire, without pause. Best wishes for a good fight with all the militants in the area to a location that is not only political, but above all existential and value. Raise your glasses for yet another victory!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

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CASAGGì FLORENCE: HARD ROCK CITY yet another step towards' SHOWCASE!

Florence comes the Hard Rock Cafe. In place of the historic cinema Gambrinus, now closed time, rise to the famous club dedicated to the music. Jubilation and expectation by all, as expected. Yet it is right to do some reflection on the sidelines, probably unnecessary and even unpleasant, but at least sincere.

The old town is a showcase of our city: shops, brands and logos are the masters. The activities of our historic city, which for decades served as the backdrop to the succession of generations and seasons, close their doors.

The sign of time, you may say, but a bitter taste remains. Because when you walk through the streets of your city and find them incredibly similar to those of any international city, you realize that many advertisements that globalization has begun to erode with increasing momentum even your imagination.

remain our monuments, which seem to be the skeletal remains of majestic beauty out of time, the last bastion of a human and artistic renaissance that seems to be wiped out rampant dall'appiattimento , the myth of progress, the God of Money, the commodification of things and constant of souls, from that quick approval process that eats up the differences, specificities, traditions and customs.

It was amazing to look good, Brunelleschi's dome: a unique, surrounded by brand names and, by signs, multi-ethnic neighborhoods from which spread out to the eye can see, it seems almost a caricature, put there to feed this vicious circle of receipts and lights. Dante same fate for the poor, bewildered looks on the evening of the camp idiot who took the steps of a wonder of the world for an open-air urinal.

Take a few steps and arrive in San Lorenzo, now reduced to a spectrum of a society that tries to forcibly inculcate tolerance impossible illusion of being able to mix everything and the opposite of everything in the name of a hypocritical welcome early results in low labor cost, ghettos, crime, and fundamentalism of every stripe. But the imperative is to pretend and smile, at least until the system implodes ...

little and nothing remains of the specific neighborhood, small and great legends of road of the many hidden corners, voices of street and popular force. There is little pride of neighborhood, of the evenings talking on a bench, sandwich and glass of good wine of contentment. Remains little and nothing that Florence, stubborn and beautiful, has been for centuries.

Now there is the Hard Rock. We multinationalisation dressing, talking, eating, drinking, listening, living, playing, reading, watching. Because if you eat as they want and you have fun as they want it, you forget the rest. A little 'music and a same T-shirt from London to Beijing: no matter if your roads are a jungle of names that do not belong to your story. And then, of course, there are 120 jobs available, making it tolerable and desirable, and reduce everything to silence any critical voice.

You say that nobody is forced to go, this is what everyone wants, that there is nothing wrong with that and finally to Florence have fun. All right, all caveats are legitimate. Far be it from us to war the obvious.

But if one day, looking around, do not recognize anything in that city that has grown up, think of when it was still possible to save it.