They marched silently and compounds, a number that the city had never known in the events promoted by the political right. They marched excited, almost in disbelief to look around and see how many things have changed in recent years. This that was once taboo is now a concrete, living, real. The memory of those who were killed without guilt is no longer relegated to the margins, but is becoming part of daily life of a people, as witnessed by the dozens of flag waving as we passed from windows and balconies.
The emotion exodus of survivors and relatives of victims murdered by Communist partisans Tito joined with that of thousands of free hearts that have spontaneously responded to the call of the square. There were all really: generations of militant side by side, hand to families with children, young people and children in the front row, citizens and representatives politicians at all levels. In the square there was an unruly faction or an offshoot of the party: there was the people in all its nuances.
Calling Casaggì, that every year the parade has started waking up from the usual torpor Florence, has driven everything and everyone. And it was a river, those that are difficult to forget. The threat fell on deaf ears and marches against a tenth of our participants, then, are the icing on the cake of a memorable day.
A day shared and full of people, but that was made possible by those who have literally sacrificed to the cause for a whole month between leaflets, posters, meetings, conferences, meetings, demonstrations, debates and propaganda actions.
A day made possible by the participation of the best reality of identity that does not comply with this Tuscany pointed feet across and with the best spirit ever. Thanks, of course, the militants Casaggì, the boys of the Young Italy, the Students for Liberty of Action University of CasaPound, Oppian and Nes, to the many brothers who live in this great community of destiny and struggle, to who never gave up one meter and has never asked for anything, giving himself to something greater. Thanks, finally, Giorgia Meloni, Anna Grace Calabria, honored us with their presence and their words.
A terrible beauty is on the march, with good legs and a tremendous desire to walk.
Sursum corda!
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