Tonight, 17 February 2011, militants Casaggì Florence and Italy have said Young Ernst Junger, the anniversary of his death. Under a pouring rain two thousand posters bearing his name, his image and his sentence was displayed in front of schools, universities and youth gathering places throughout the city. The action taken will not only be a moment to commemorate a great thinker and a great man, but also a warning to the younger generations, in the example he has drawn.
Junger was a witness to a century, the interpreter of the past alive and unconventional - the twentieth century - full of pain, but also of ideas and passions, myths and revolutions. He was coordinator of the German Conservative Revolution and a man of letters among the best that our continent has ever known.
sent us, by example and by words an idea of \u200b\u200bthe war as a heroic act, such as voluntary gift, an offering vital but knows pietas and gives room for feelings, emotion and movement. His metaphors and his thoughts on the "storms of steel" of the Great War and are still of tremendous relevance for the understanding of modern conflicts. The emphasis on courage and the hardening of the soldier, takes us back to a size that relates to the Human Spirit, the mystical, Action, who have passed themselves against the mechanization of existence and the rampant technocracy. His idea of \u200b\u200bthe worker, then an era. He does not talk, Junger, a worker belonging to a class or near vision economist, but a free individual, yet all too often absent today reign where the rules of profit and exploitation.
Echoing the words of Mark Iacona, we could say that the man we want to set as a reference " is outlined in the sense essentially dualistic: the direct heir of the soldier, the ascetic warrior and basic principle and key to the ontological. Figure at once historical and ahistorical: born but destined never to perish. The soldier is a figure of thumb, occasionally, the worker instead of a figure is almost metaphysical. Heroes both. The one linked to the facts of war, the other symbol of a new era. Worker and soldier: two different figures then. Two little comparable size, measurements and time that do not coincide. But there is one thing in common: the effort of Jünger eternizzare the laying of the fighter, to transfer the spirit of victory in the spirit of the civil ruler, in modern tout court. In this sense we can consider Der Arbeiter put on a book of war in time of peace. The soldier befits the "storm" (the alternation of the elements: it begins to storm, the storm ends ...), the worker is instead linked to the 'steel', the scene of a modern typological on the border between physics and metaphysics. "
A Junger also are indebted to another magnificent figure: that of the Rebel Alliance. Rebel has made his dream of generations of activists, providing useful ideas for a "passage of the woods" beyond the impositions of a stifling modern, low, low, vile and hedonistic. Identity that anarchy is also one of our posters, the emblem of a lifestyle choice that we should try to honor the best. The soldier, the worker and the rebel. E 'is the message we want to give our generation, as well as false marketism models and means of mass distraction.
" between gray wolves sheep lie, namely those beings who have not forgotten what freedom is. And not only those wolves are strong in themselves, there is also the risk that a bad day, they transmit their qualities to earth and that the flock will turn in a pack. And 'This is the nightmare of the powerful .
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