Monday, February 28, 2011

Poptropica South Park

CASAGGì RECALLS Mikis Mantakas

Tonight militants Casaggì Mikis Mantakas recalled, on the anniversary of his death. One thousand posters have been posted in the city, recalling that Europe free, armed Mikis sovereign and that he wanted to build. He did not have the time and way of doing it at first person, because of an untimely death by assassination procured without humanity, but the ideal witness than was collected and will continue to burn.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Use G2 As Bluetooth Ps3


This night Florence may have been plastered with posters of the new Casaggì University. The core of the right student does not comply with militant path begins its physical action on the ground. First lesson: tear the world of equals. About a high ideal, to reform the university starting from the first human material that comprises: delivering content, building vanguard of thought and style, to produce men and not numbers, killing the company's bureaucracy and university approval. A battle crazy and risky, therefore suitable for us. In the coming days will be rolling out new campaigns, programs, centers and initiatives. After balkanized the Florentine schools landed in the faculty. And we will see some good!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Dress Colors For Brown Skin


few days we asked the Minister Gelmini to take a step back and recognize the holiday on March 17, the date commemorating the 150th annivrsario Unification of Italy, closing schools. At the end we have heard, thanks to the will of the highest offices of the Government ...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pinnacle 150e How To Use


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Older Kawasaki Snowmobiles

signatures against the incinerator STRENGTHENING OF MODENA


1 - Stop the importation of waste from outside the province by ash at Modena.
2 - Stop the construction of a second oven, the so-called third line, because superfluous.
The alternatives to incineration exist.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Female Genitalia Exam


Tonight, 17 February 2011, militants Casaggì Florence and Italy have said Young Ernst Junger, the anniversary of his death. Under a pouring rain two thousand posters bearing his name, his image and his sentence was displayed in front of schools, universities and youth gathering places throughout the city. The action taken will not only be a moment to commemorate a great thinker and a great man, but also a warning to the younger generations, in the example he has drawn.

Junger was a witness to a century, the interpreter of the past alive and unconventional - the twentieth century - full of pain, but also of ideas and passions, myths and revolutions. He was coordinator of the German Conservative Revolution and a man of letters among the best that our continent has ever known.

sent us, by example and by words an idea of \u200b\u200bthe war as a heroic act, such as voluntary gift, an offering vital but knows pietas and gives room for feelings, emotion and movement. His metaphors and his thoughts on the "storms of steel" of the Great War and are still of tremendous relevance for the understanding of modern conflicts. The emphasis on courage and the hardening of the soldier, takes us back to a size that relates to the Human Spirit, the mystical, Action, who have passed themselves against the mechanization of existence and the rampant technocracy. His idea of \u200b\u200bthe worker, then an era. He does not talk, Junger, a worker belonging to a class or near vision economist, but a free individual, yet all too often absent today reign where the rules of profit and exploitation.

Echoing the words of Mark Iacona, we could say that the man we want to set as a reference " is outlined in the sense essentially dualistic: the direct heir of the soldier, the ascetic warrior and basic principle and key to the ontological. Figure at once historical and ahistorical: born but destined never to perish. The soldier is a figure of thumb, occasionally, the worker instead of a figure is almost metaphysical. Heroes both. The one linked to the facts of war, the other symbol of a new era. Worker and soldier: two different figures then. Two little comparable size, measurements and time that do not coincide. But there is one thing in common: the effort of Jünger eternizzare the laying of the fighter, to transfer the spirit of victory in the spirit of the civil ruler, in modern tout court. In this sense we can consider Der Arbeiter put on a book of war in time of peace. The soldier befits the "storm" (the alternation of the elements: it begins to storm, the storm ends ...), the worker is instead linked to the 'steel', the scene of a modern typological on the border between physics and metaphysics. "

A Junger also are indebted to another magnificent figure: that of the Rebel Alliance. Rebel has made his dream of generations of activists, providing useful ideas for a "passage of the woods" beyond the impositions of a stifling modern, low, low, vile and hedonistic. Identity that anarchy is also one of our posters, the emblem of a lifestyle choice that we should try to honor the best. The soldier, the worker and the rebel. E 'is the message we want to give our generation, as well as false marketism models and means of mass distraction.

" between gray wolves sheep lie, namely those beings who have not forgotten what freedom is. And not only those wolves are strong in themselves, there is also the risk that a bad day, they transmit their qualities to earth and that the flock will turn in a pack. And 'This is the nightmare of the powerful .

Sunday, February 13, 2011

What Does Expired Eyeshadow Look Like?

We want a country that respects women!

If not now when?
Modena, 13 February 2011

Dog Jacket Bull Mastiff

such as women, what right? CASAGGì MEETS PROTEST female ...

Italy is a strange country. A country in which women, in 2011 and with everything we see around, claiming the rights even know. What rights? What do you miss? What you do not have yet? And why take to the streets as women, still putting in place the policy of the species, the parties, factions, genera ...

But what women want to be, the women clap their hands on the pots in the Italian squares? Because a woman who is, and Donna every day. Donna is not once every four years when an opposition party controls the fanfare of the streets against the government majority. Today, being a woman, has nothing to do with the majority and minority governments. The fifty-year olds and sour which were put into the hands of signs saying "I am woman and I say enough," are a grotesque spectacle circus. Today is a personal choice: you have wanted all the freedom of this world and now that you are missing?

You wanted the freedom to abort, and you can also use it as a contraceptive. Moreover, those who became pregnant, nor is it required to know. Doing so, however, you sacrificed your dignity as mothers on the altar of alleged sexual freedom (if only you had studied the best antiques in the area of \u200b\u200bsexual freedom ..). Have you had it all and many of you are finished to show it on TV, on the cubes of dancing, in glossy magazines.

once were in the streets shouting slogans on your uterus and sexual freedom, and today you are to guard the worst bigotry, scandalized by what some perceived or real fucked and cries to the crisis in the state. You took the worst of men who have accompanied you in those years: the ones you talking about the overthrow of the capitalist system and ended up working in banks, government agencies, universities. The term revolutionary, who abandoned his mask to wear a tie.

Shake hits the streets in morals. But who you are, you? Who was responsible for the ability to watch others up and down and say what is right, what is wrong, what's missing and what is it? What we would pay to see you, as fragile as everyone else, in the privacy of your wives, lovers or partners. What we would like to see if this is indeed a moral command that whole moral worth every single day and to which you have devoted a lifetime. Because usually, than those not taking to the streets to say: it is, period. We limit ourselves to be, does not try to flaunt.

You claimed the job, and rightly so. But you are finished shares rose, as if to assure food, you need seats booked, the recommendation of the State. As if, once again, sex differences and gender only interested in you. If equality is the objective that at least one measure on an equal footing. Do not you think?

And it caps out mouth who believes that, given the right social activists and we belong to relegate women to the task of the angel of the hearth. A look disinterested and sincere in our history, where women's rights has always been talked about more than political expediency, would make it a good idea. But is the idea of \u200b\u200bwoman who changes: on the one hand, yours are the worst sounding of progressivism, a priori, by Our quiet and noble sacrifice, loyalty, the defense of life, merit and ability to be organically included in a community, without demanding and without snorting.

True freedom is ; freedom from oneself.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How Many People 1/3 Sheet Cake Feed


February 9, 2011

Tonight militants Casaggì Florence Italy and Young have said Paolo Di Nella, Militant killed dall'antifascismo of the Youth Front in 1983. Two thousand posters bearing his name and a phrase in his memory, was displayed in every street, every school, every faculty and groups of young people everywhere in the city and major towns in the Province of Florence. Paul, on the night of February 2, 1983, was on billboards in the streets of Rome, along with another militant of the then youth movement of the MSI. Two people from behind, attacked him while he was intent on putting up a poster, shot in the head with a blunt object. He died Feb. 9, after a week of agony.

At his bedside, for the first time, saw the then President of the Republic, Sandro Pertini Sancho made the end of that wall of silence and complicity, which for decades had relegated to the sidelines nazionalrivoluzionaria youth, leaving the sad motto "kill a fascist is not a crime" was not only a gruesome practice extra-parliamentary, but also wanted an end and sought by those who belonged to the bow constitutional and sometimes even to the organs of state. Paul died while doing a noble gesture, militia and freedom. He died putting up a poster for Villa Chigi, a space then abandoned and degraded, the Youth Front was fighting to make the citizenship in the form of neighborhood and community social place. Many years later, thanks to the path taken from the political right which has led many of his comrades in the struggle to be part of the institutions, that space was returned to the people and today bears his name.

Paul was and is an example of a militant made of ideas, rebellion, innovation, irreverence, major themes of passion, sacrifice and struggle. A life lived fully, that someone has cut off prematurely, but that still left an indelible mark on those who still dreams to pursue that ideal witness. His memory is not just the traditional identity of a political party, but should be a warning to the whole country to replace the hatred blind love for the gift of self. A lesson to those who, thirty years later, would transform the political competition in a gang war.

" I fight for you, any man, but you do not listen to me.
I die for you, any man, and you despise me.
Why? It does not matter.
My melancholy eyes,
my radiant youth,
my warm blood ruby:
I gift them to you, any man.
I do not have your riches,
not want me for the warmth of your cozy home.
Everything I leave you, even my life. "

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Purple Heart Michigan Donation


Saturday, 5 February 2011, Florence, was written a page of history. In a city that liberal extremism flaunting as its stronghold, several thousand people marched under the banner of three colors to commemorate the martyrs of the sinkholes and the exiles from Istria, Venezia Giulia and Dalmatia.

They marched silently and compounds, a number that the city had never known in the events promoted by the political right. They marched excited, almost in disbelief to look around and see how many things have changed in recent years. This that was once taboo is now a concrete, living, real. The memory of those who were killed without guilt is no longer relegated to the margins, but is becoming part of daily life of a people, as witnessed by the dozens of flag waving as we passed from windows and balconies.

The emotion exodus of survivors and relatives of victims murdered by Communist partisans Tito joined with that of thousands of free hearts that have spontaneously responded to the call of the square. There were all really: generations of militant side by side, hand to families with children, young people and children in the front row, citizens and representatives politicians at all levels. In the square there was an unruly faction or an offshoot of the party: there was the people in all its nuances.

Calling Casaggì, that every year the parade has started waking up from the usual torpor Florence, has driven everything and everyone. And it was a river, those that are difficult to forget. The threat fell on deaf ears and marches against a tenth of our participants, then, are the icing on the cake of a memorable day.

A day shared and full of people, but that was made possible by those who have literally sacrificed to the cause for a whole month between leaflets, posters, meetings, conferences, meetings, demonstrations, debates and propaganda actions.

A day made possible by the participation of the best reality of identity that does not comply with this Tuscany pointed feet across and with the best spirit ever. Thanks, of course, the militants Casaggì, the boys of the Young Italy, the Students for Liberty of Action University of CasaPound, Oppian and Nes, to the many brothers who live in this great community of destiny and struggle, to who never gave up one meter and has never asked for anything, giving himself to something greater. Thanks, finally, Giorgia Meloni, Anna Grace Calabria, honored us with their presence and their words.

A terrible beauty is on the march, with good legs and a tremendous desire to walk.
Sursum corda!