Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tired And A Very Tight Chest With Cough

with our values \u200b\u200band our people. ALL IN ROME!

Lately there who is saying around that the Italian right is dead ... That the People of Liberty has no future ... Is there anyone who thinks they are the sole owner of the future ... Someone has betrayed the values \u200b\u200band ideals ... There are so many women, men, boys, you are slowly disillusioning of a policy of gossip and rumors ...

But there are some who still believe. In our ideas and our people. who has never stopped a moment to think that "Tomorrow Belongs to Us". Who wants to be star of the future, beyond the acronyms political parties and ... A community that has always run together and now wants to grow and become a reference point for all its people ...

On 5 December, in Rome, we will be there ... With a ruling class that was formed in youth movements in the streets, squares, schools and universities, and now wants to be towed and value added for the People of Freedom ... With Giorgia Meloni, Fabio Rampelli, Marco Scurria ... With the right of doing ... With our ideas and ... OUR PEOPLE!

TO PARTICIPATE: 338/3271463

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Black Blood After Depo Shot

common good site Modena Health and Environment Committee, comments realizzaione screening for the 3rd line of the incinerator.

The Modena Health and Environment Committee has Modena Province of the observations to the verification stage of being subject to the completion of the third line of the incinerator in Modena to the Environmental Impact Assessment . The plant is substantially altered, potentially can burn even more 'waste. Overestimated compared to the potential needs and provincial basis for this system to become um polo disposal of hazardous waste across the region.
The Committee will totally disagree with the choice of the community require a doubling incinerator and then incineration as a method of waste disposal in the province of Modena.


That 's the European Week for waste reduction ( http://www.ecodallecitta.it/menorifiuti/suggerimenti.php ) Modena and the community, not by a great message and educational example. The political decision to strengthen the capacity of an incinerator, it helps reduce waste and recycle even as it had the illusion that burning everything disappears and becomes more 'clean. In fact, nothing is gone, all smoke and ashes (30%), and even landfills may be eliminated, even become special landfills for hazardous materials and toxic.

What Size Tile Spacers Should I Use For 4x4 Tiles

Dr. Gentilini - "Incinerators are a bundle!"

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Pokemon Heart Gold Desmume Rom English


The reasons why I am on 5 December in Rome. And the reasons why I hope many of you will want to join me.

I became interested in politics for the first time, the real one, in 1993. The first political party that I was "beating heart" was called the Italian Social Movement and its leader was challenging, alone, all the old political class, the daughter of the now moribund "First Republic", in local elections in Rome . At the turn of the ballot for the main bench of the Capitol, to stem the rise of Gianfranco Fini, Giorgio Almirante political godson and a symbol of post-fascist right which put, for the first time since the end of World War II, his nose out of the ghetto, they had all joined forces: the Communists and Christian Democrats, Liberals and Republicans, socialists and radical environmentalists and progressives.

All the old political class, that of party politics and governments based on agreements concluded and accordicchi in parliament, that bribery and trading of votes, that of state secrets and massacres go unpunished , that of collusion with organized crime and that of the salons of the "Milano da, all joined forces against the gentleman with the glasses, with a pleasant accent Emilia gathering that the political legacy of Almirante and Romualdi had predicted, between the shock and the general skepticism that the third millennium Italy should re-evaluated "the alternative Mussolini communism and capitalism ", coined that phrase (the" fascism of the millennium ") that made him famous in the right-wing Italian political landscape.

I still politically virgin , tifavo for him. We say that much of me, made headlines another character, famous for having said so far in our country the model of commercial television, which at the time of the elections in Rome, gave an interview in L'Espresso declaring that if he were a citizen of the capital would no doubt have voted for Gianfranco Fini, earning the epithet on the cover of "Black Rider.

Gianfranco Fini did not win those elections, but less than a year later, the Italian Social Movement was sitting between the benches of the government. Experience lasted only a few months and ended with a turnaround that saw the Po Bossi's Northern League move from right to left and this would put an end of the first government of Silvio Berlusconi.

The year was 1995. The Italian Social Movement became the National Alliance and I decided to join the party of Gianfranco Fini. It was my first entry to a political party.

Why this choice? I felt right because I believed in the sacredness of life from the moment of conception until death, because I hated and refused abortion, euthanasia, the death penalty. I felt right because I loved my country I felt proud to be born in Florence and Italy, the land of my fathers and I dreamed of one day seeing a rebirth common European homeland. I felt right because I did not believe in class struggle, but in respect of the work and workers, the protection of the weakest, in cooperation and national solidarity. I felt right because I could not celebrate April 25: Although I tried I could not find anything good in a country divided in the middle, where brothers are killing brothers, and what with the end, the lion, did the aliens who share our future. I was right because as Gianfranco Fini thought Benito Mussolini the greatest statesman of the century. I felt right because I believed in family, that consists of a man, woman and children. I felt right because I liked looking at the future, delivering the story to the story, not having any qualms in admitting that shames our country was the protagonist (the racial laws, deportation, ethnic cleansing ...), but not pretending to not see the nakedness of others (the gulag, the Berlin Wall, Budapest, Prague, Foibe ...). I was right because I believed in honor and loyalty: a word because I thought that was worth more than a thousand contracts and because I believed that to be faithful to his idea and his own homeland and not meant to always operate in honesty, the rule of law, respect for others.

I felt right then, when I completed my first application form for the National Alliance and I feel right now that I am a manager and a service of The People of Freedom.

And in the name of that coherence, in that respect, and that fidelity quell'onestà I drove almost fifteen years ago to enroll in the National Alliance, I built a community around me, I drove for eleven years, the youth movement in my city, I grew up and trained young and very young, I asked my fellow citizens to vote and preferences .

today to these people, we like to call our people, I feel I have a debt.

Many of them will have seen , heard, read about the choice of Gianfranco Fini to get out of that path which he had painted and wanted to create a new party. A party that is not right. A party that fights for the recognition of de facto couples against the traditional family. A party who has not seen as a taboo for the granting of the right of adoption to gay couples. A party that fights for the spread of the abortion pill RU486. A party that fights for the Italian citizenship to third country nationals who live in our country only five years. A party that is said in favor of artificial fertilization and euthanasia. A party that believes the boys who in 1943 chose to die for the Italian Social Republic, men in bad faith "and celebrates the exploits of the partisans going hand in hand with the Partisans. A party that criticized the Italian government because for the first time energy is released from subjection imposed by the U.S. and Britain to tighten advantageous economic agreements with the countries of Eastern Europe, first of all Russia. A party that has sold a piece of real estate assets of the National Alliance gather enough for a luxury apartment in Monte Carlo for-nothing youngster a snob. A party that is ready to ally with Rutelli, with casinos, with D'Alema, with Bersani, with Rosy Bindi, with Montezemolo, while going to the government.

And who has heard and read all this, what will think of us? Perhaps think that this is speaking in his national alliance posters Election of honesty? Of law? Of consistency? Clarity? Of presidentialism?

Or will think that the right is dead, dissolved like salt in a pot of boiling water in large pot of Berlusconi's PDL. In many mistakenly confuse even the PDL with a Force in Italy and grew and many are making this mistake now that he who should have the right to represent the People of Freedom, takes delight in equilibrium radical leftists Panel worthy of better times .. .

OUR PEOPLE What do you think? What will they think those to whom we asked for votes and preferences? What will those who have encountered over the years and, with a handshake or a word of encouragement, they gave us the strength to do what we did?

OUR People need to be answered. Clear. Net. Unique. The right-wing Italian politics is not dead. The Italian political right still exists, is alive, but not all. As always in our DNA we still look straight ahead. We have ideas and plans for Italy tomorrow. We have dreams to give to our children.

The political right is in the Italian People of Freedom because it is consistent and true to their word. With Berlusconi we decided to give life to a major party capable of representing all the people of the center and we have certainly changed my mind. The PDL is still under development, but is not an enlarged Forza Italy, or a club of "fans from the stadium" of Silvio Berlusconi. The PDL is a party with ideas, values, it is also the party in which our human community and political lives, grows, works and carries out its values \u200b\u200band its battles.

The right-wing Italian politics, the Maurizio Gasparri, Gianni Alemanno, the Matteoli, Ignazio La Russa has not changed one iota on its way. E 'remained faithful to its history and the commitments it has entered into with their voters. And we want to reassure you of this.

But we also want to tell you more ... The People of Freedom there is also a new ruling class that is growing and is becoming registered or not because her daughter because of some TV show. A young ruling class, with clean faces, no skeletons in the closet and no altars to be discovered. A nascent political class that does not want to forge ahead pretending to fake "scrap" to Matteo Renzi, but even that can not be duped by the "indifference of the regime" of Santoro, Fazio and Saviano.

A ruling class is now a driving force for the PDL and driving in city councils across Italy, in provincial councils, regional councils and that is best expressed in the face clean, simple, reassuring and talents and skills of Giorgia Meloni.

I went over to the right of Italian politics in 1993. Many of you long before. The younger lot afterward. However, all united by that fire that ideal blazing in my heart and now wants to tell someone to be turned off.

On 5 December, I will be in Rome to swear in front of you all, and before that to myself, that this fire is not extinguished, but still shines even stronger and brighter than before. I hope to meet many of you that day, to be able to embrace and be able to return home at night, with hearts full of hope. For our land, our homeland, for our people.

Francis Torselli
Councillor PDL Florence
National Executive Young Italy

Monday, November 22, 2010

Boiler Interrupted Gas Supply

25 November - International Day Against Violence Against Women

Violence against women has many faces: the killings and rapes are the most dramatic aspects of the violence inside and outside the home, at work, on the streets. Such suffering and humiliation. It is the leading cause of death among women worldwide.

Violence against women is part of a global culture which denies women equal opportunities and equal rights and legitimizes the violent appropriation of their bodies for individual gratification or political ends. Millions of women around the world from domestic violence are terrorized, enslaved in forced marriages, bought and sold to feed the market of prostitution, or raped as trophies of war tortured in detention.

On November 25 we celebrate the International Day Against Violence Against Women, a date chosen in memory of three sisters Miraball, tortured, raped and killed by military intelligence of Santo Domingo in 1960 under the dictatorship of Trujillo, for wanting to visit political prisoners (http://italy.indymedia.org/news/2004/12/689239.php).

Every year on November 25th is an opportunity to promote efforts to combat violence against women and create a collective consciousness so that the perpetrators of violence do not go unpunished and the victims without any possibility of compensation.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Acog Clone For A .223



E 'was presented today at the Palazzo Vecchio "National Student Movement", a new aggregation of student identity that embraces Student Action (formerly the student movement of the National Alliance) and other names from the world of militant right. Speakers at the presentation Andrea Poggianti (National Director of MSN), Stefano De Marco (Director of Student Action Florence), Marco Scatarzi (Head Casaggì Firenze), Francesco Torselli (National Executive Councillor PDL and Young Italy) and other leaders of Youth Action - Young Italy (youth organization of The People of Freedom).

"The objectives of the new National Student Movement - says Andrea Poggianti - are the ones to fight against the crumbling structures that host the sites of our education represents a danger for our lives, to counter the cultural hegemony the left, which leads many of our teachers to present the story in their own way and to defend the interests of their caste, with the support of trade unions to fight against the high cost of books and, more generally, against those who would like to keep alive over a school model and son of '68. "

"MSN has set itself the ambitious goal returning students the ability to dream - continues the National Executive of MSN - to build a school who is the man with a soul, a heart and a brain and not only workers ready for assembly lines, to ensure all the really 'access to culture and abolish forever the textbook required; to modernize the education system, promote excellence and talent in the selection of teachers.

Marco De Stefano, head Florence Student Action, a movement that now flows into MSN, explains the significance of the date chosen for the presentation today: "We have presented MSN behind the November 4 and 9 November, the dates that symbolically represent the Liberation of Europe from the invaders and foreign colonialism and communism. Now included in the third liberation from the hegemony of the school's red and the single thought. "

" The students referring to the Social Centre Right, Casaggì Florence - said the head of Casaggì Marco Scatarzi - present day active in over 30 colleges in our province, joined with enthusiasm to this new national project, providing its militant force. We take this occasion to invite all students come to Florence find the new site structure that will open in a city short term. "

the presentation of the National Student Movement also spoke Torselli Francis, Councillor of the PDL and that the National Executive of the Young Italy criticizes the "youth" which is becoming a national icon precisely the Mayor of Florence, Matteo Renzi, "the 'youthfulness' of Renzi is something built around a table. Renzi has for years been 'the prodigy' of the center, we represent another youth: the one formed with the militancy and self-financing, those who have never been sponsored and supported by anyone, but rather, they have always been seen as 'inconvenient' from traditional politics. "

" We are the young star of tomorrow. - Ends Torselli - We are the Anti-Renzismo right ".