Sunday, January 2, 2011

Headache Glands Up Tired

The Villa D'Oro

LA VILLA D'ORO withdraw from the surface rights
City Council approved the resolution by which the municipality to proceed with the sector regains redevelopment of the entire northwest quadrant:

Among the gifts of the holidays there is also the relegation of the surface rights of the fund Villa D'Oro and then the acquisition of the entire property by the municipality of the area between Via and Via Nonantolana Lancelot. I would like to point that out and open a minimum of confrontation between the citizens because, in my opinion, the most 'have not been able to. The program of urban renewal in the sector, the building site of Pol Villa d'Oro, gymnasiums and schools of the former Marconi is certainly necessary and acceptable, but enough 'to know before its approval and have the opportunity to make some proposals. Meanwhile, this program provides that the sports club Villa d'Oro is three years later moved to another location not yet identified to do, do not know which, restoration works. Idea is certainly interesting in terms of economic and real estate. Except that the social, recreational and sports club and the scope of the consolidated district should be the overriding rationale of the town to leave them where they are and where and 'frequented by many people that often reach on foot or by bicycle. I do not think would have the same function and attendance away from the area. I think we can find ways to restore and renovate the buildings and keeping the industry in that time, the sports club. To my knowledge, users are informed of the district. Among other things, there are large areas and disused building in the district like the former Agricultural Consortium they do not yet know the precise destination and timing. Let a method of communication and participation in government.


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