"Here we go again. Like every year the city parade in memory of the martyrs of the sinkholes, sponsored by the Young Italy, from Casaggì and Students for Freedom and open to all citizens and movements, triggered a spiral of avoidable tension. The centers and the radical left, in fact, have held the usual "counter-march" to protest against "historical revisionism, the Berlusconi government and Fascism", stated Mark and Andrea Scatarzi Bado, President and Coordinator of the citizen Young Italy, the youth movement of the PDL, which has promoted the initiative. "
"The statement issued by the antagonists - Scatarzi states - is a frenzy of madness and climbing on the mirrors of poor workmanship. We are accused of exploiting the martyrdom of exile infoibati and then take to the streets against the Berlusconi government, talk of rights and deny the memory of martyrs without blame, point the finger at an anniversary recognized at all levels and paint the Minister Meloni as an enemy of the students speak Reform Gelmini, and blather on procurement and bribes, pull ball in the situation of factory workers and speak to schools and universities. In short, even taking to the streets have brought up everything and its opposite, have exploited every possible topic and made a soup without sense. "
"We will be in the streets - Bado continues - with the tricolor and without party symbols, reflecting the fact that our goal is to create a shared memory and transverse to do justice to our martyrs after sixty 'years of silence. It 's absurd that those who remember this chapter of history to be accused of being a revisionist and Pansa perhaps right when he says that history is written by the victors at the expense of the vanquished. A country can not be truly free until he is free to those spots that have tarnished. "
" We expect - and continue Scatarzi Bado - a conviction and a distancing from all institutions, beyond the political differences and party, because certain topics are not absolutely acceptable and is offensive. We wonder if the procession will leave at 15.30 from Piazza San Marco is authorized and if the goal is not the same in the arrival of the Martyrs Largo Foibe and the consequent disturbance of our initiative, which will end right there.
"Our parade - and conclude Scatarzi Bado- that for years now grows and becomes more and more involved, is a time of sharing and remembrance that takes place in the peace of mind and brings together, under the flag, citizens and members of the institutions that care for too long a forgotten massacre . Our initiative, which this year sees the participation of a Minister and many politicians, is an example of cross-fertilization and the mobilization that there does not need to sow hatred and grudges to reinvigorate dormant. We we put the conscience of the people to hatred of a party, and the abuse allegations. On February 5th we will be in place, with our tricolor as every year, proud of our membership and convinced of our action. And, as every year, no intimidation, no threat will sign and have the power to stop a free and responsible driving, created to remember the dead to kill someone wants to continue denying them the right to become part of the history of this country ".