Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Where Can I Buy A Tall, Tall Step Ladder

The incinerator demonstration outside of Modena in October 23. MODENA

TRC news service from October 23.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Quicktime Plug In Firefox For 64 Bit

October 23, 2010 - VIA Cavazza - NO SPECIAL WASTE, THE THIRD LINE NO WASTE incinerator


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tatoos Drawingwallpaper



a written response from Councillor Arletti environment of the Municipality of Modena to a question sull'inceneritore council of Modena Via Cavazza and waste, last March, an excerpt of which is attached :

"L'A. LA. authorizing the installation at this stage disposal of a total of 140,000 tlanno
municipal waste, non-hazardous and medical waste.
for urban waste is identified as coming from the basin province of Modena, in agreement with the
planning tools force and the sectoral legislation under the principle of
self-sufficiency in the disposal of non-hazardous waste in territorial
optimal. In relation to special waste, or waste from those generally
from production and service activities, rather the law does not place restrictions relate to sectors
of disposal. The entrance to the special waste incinerator in Modena then
from both provincial and extraprovinciale (mainly the regions of Emilia-Romagna,
Tuscany, Veneto, Lombardy and Friuli V. Giulia) and their disposal is always carried out in strict compliance with the requirements
Particularly in detail from 1 .01.2009 to 31.10.2009 have been disposed of non-hazardous waste from:
by the Province of Modena 2939.94 ton

from other provinces' ER
4068.31 tons from neighboring regions with the ER from other regions
8680.05 2591.08 ton ton ton
TOTAL 18,279.38.
It is noted that:
1 - Special wastes are mainly from outside Modena, about 85%, then the equation is true especially Special Waste = waste from outside Modena, let's stop with the history of business waste call Modena (which however must be recycled)
2 - so there's no need to enlarge the threshold of our special waste, so now we are using only 10% of the amount authorized.
3 - In addition, over 50% of specialists coming from outside the region, and this exceeds even the 'indication' of the interview Sunday, 17/10 Arletti of regional importance to the installation for the Special (by the way, whoever decided this enlargement?)
4 - came from outside the approximately 15,000 tons of RS, then 8 times the emergency bell 02-2008.

With the decision in these days, it is believed violated the basic principle of incineration plant which is intended for the sole use of Modena province, see the Provincial Waste Management Plan in force and commitment (not to burn or reduce to burn waste special from outside the province) reiterated nell'ODG majority approved the same day by the provincial council in May 2005.
Sandra Poppi
Mauro Marverti
Modena Health Environment Committee

Friday, October 15, 2010

How To Hide Pipes In Pedestal Sink

not authorized additional waste and the start of the third line!

ask the province further unauthorized special waste and the start of the third line!

motivated the expansion of the incinerator Via Cavazza autonomy to get on the management and disposal of waste within the province. And in fact does not add up. Getting to 65% of collection (as the rule requires) means in Modena burn about 165,000 tons of waste each year. The doubling of the incinerator allows it to burn 240,000. The remaining 75,000 in what they do? Why has approved a doubling that leads Modena to have an incinerator larger than that of Bologna and Emilia Romagna whole? As expected more to dispose of hazardous waste and other provinces. Why waste law to have a free market.

While Hera and the City Council asked the Province to burn more than double the hazardous waste, ask the Province not to grant this request, nor the operation of the third line of 60,000 t / a as unnecessary to our needs.
We will do our best to prevent it.
should enhance the collection and recovery of waste and safeguard our health.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Images Of Dawn,misty And May

are just word games ...

Modena Health Committee Press Release October 13, 2010 Environment

The Committee Health and Modena Environment Law disagreement with the release of the Municipality of Modena, is simply shameful. It does not change anything: the scheme will be approved incinerator to burn 240,000 tonnes per year. I'm just wordplay for people who do not know the situation with the quote the divestiture of lines 1 and 2 (was as envisaged, will line 3 from 60,000 tonnes which, added to 4 again from 180,000 to make 240,000 tonnes / year, which are twice before!). And to say that emissions are below the legal limits. Although greater than or equal to the previous situation. This is pollution by law! That do not yet know which aspects will have on our health.
This incinerator will become the most 'biggest in the region and will know what to do with whether the waste be reduced by using the collection.
Separate collection that no one will be motivated to take seriously (Hera and the City first) since there is an incinerator of this capacity.
In fact, the Provincial Waste Plan said that in 2005 had reached 55% of waste collection, and yet we have not. The existing law also provides that we must reach 65% in 2012 and 2014 to maintain incineration and landfill as residual.

The Committee reiterates the absurdity of the statements and decisions against the will of the people and continues to ask the Government and the Council: 1
- the loss of the doubling of the capacity of the incinerator combustion Via Cavazza motivated by serious problems of health, environmental and economic sustainability by increasing the collection differentiated, with a substantial savings, less pollution of air, water and soil and benefits to Modena. Tending to zero over time even the current use and then disposal incinerators.

2 - Crash of the modernization of the third line of incineration of 60,000 tonnes / year.

3 - With the savings (assuming € 15-20 million) to enable the doorstep collection of waste at least 50% of the municipal area on the model Albareto or Carpi Suzzara or so., Extending gradually in the months following (The inhabitants of the town of Modena represent 27% of the population of the province, and the rest?).

4 - Amend the Integrated Environmental Authorisation providing 120,000 tons of waste per year at most to be incinerated with the new furnace.

5 - Change the AIA to 0.0 tons per year by putting the amount of waste in the open market (they are also imported from elsewhere).

6 - For all the realities, such as offices, schools, kindergartens, public and private community in general, enable the campaign "Undifferentiated ZERO" intended to encourage the separate collection of quality for all product categories, effective education for all. Promote the emergence of a recycling center such as Vedelago (TV).

7 - Insert the principle of "return" of packaging at source. That is, according to the categories of production and trade concerned, the packaging may be returned to suppliers going back to the company produces. In essence, those who enter in the packaging company must curarne the return so as not to charge the community for disposal, even if recycling.

8 - By 2012, all municipalities in proprietors waste plant should at least get to the RD of the law (65%), not worth the same collecting waste.

9 - transparency, verifiability and quality of waste for the incinerator as is the case for stack emissions, which are controlled by anyone on the Internet. So we require the need for this approach:
- One or more webcams online 24 hours connected to instruments that record the pollutants monitored continuously.
- One or more webcams online 24 hours which preclude such trucks and wagons incoming goods, with enough detail to identify the means and the same origin.
- Place the weighing data online, type, source waste and so on. for each medium. (Suppose that this list already exists for internal use, just put it online).
- updated in real time presence on the internet of this data is mandatory for access to the means by which confer waste.
- Do not enter means "anonymous." Each half, from outside must always bear visible marks of the company they belong to.
- Access and on-site verification of data matching. Should be allowed to an independent body which do not belong in any way the operator or others related to him.
- using new technologies such as screening and selection of first refusal to be incinerated (methods used in systems that adopt the best technologies).

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TOWN OF MODENA - Press Release

Modena sends retired landfills, bet on recycling waste, which has already reached 50%, and the incineration

Modena definitely sends "retired" landfills, reaches 50% of waste collection, increase the door-to-decide to divest lines 1 and 2 waste incinerator, and to restructure the third, time stops, as integrated environmental license requirements in 2007. This will build a plant with emissions far below the legal limits, also capable of producing electricity and heat and to heat thousands of homes with the Modena district heating, waste burning boilers and replacing as many fossil fuels. This was decided by the City Council at its meeting of Tuesday, October 12, in line with the regional plan for waste management, which gives the incinerator a key role in the disposal process of unrecycled. To proceed, the city taken, however, the views of bodies environmental control.
"The operation will avoid recourse in the event of plant shutdown, to distant landfills, resulting in high costs - the mayor of Modena Giorgio Pighi - and the city must be able to ensure self-sufficiency in waste management. The new plant it uses modern technology, able to significantly reduce atmospheric emissions and further reduce air pollution. It will also respond more adequately to the needs of the production system, made up of small and micro enterprises and commercial craft, controlling the increases in service costs and therefore prices, "said the mayor.
are produced in the province of Modena, in fact, more than one million 900 thousand tons of waste, excluding those from the activities of construction and demolition, and 456 thousand tons of waste. Inert materials, ferrous metals and glass are started to recovery, but a significant proportion of waste in all respects similar to those in urban areas, ranging in different ways in different disposal facilities outside the province: landfills, incinerators or power stations and cement, treatments are not always correct.
The ability to burn a larger amount of waste generated from the business world is facilitated by increases in recycling from 30% in 2005 to 50% today, with an average increase of 5 points each year and with the goal of reaching 65% by 2014. Voluntary agreements for reduction of waste production have successfully controlled the growth of production (which stood at 690 kilograms per capita per year), were activated 2 new ecological islands, one fixed and one itinerant, while about 11 000 citizens are involved in collection activities at home (door to door) partial or complete. Hundreds of gray boxes were also removed and replaced with those for differentiated and is currently in the territory of District 3, a project to increase the efficiency of curbside collection.
"Based on indications given by the City Council - remembers the city councilor Environment Simona Arletti - we asked Hera to develop a project that also increases the curbside collection from the residents of the historic center, restaurants, bars and shops of fruits and vegetables. "In the city are already 846 years commercial service that is guaranteed individualized collection of waste and about 3 000 families who voluntarily adhere to the center of the home collection.
Modena today is among the top three Italian cities with more than 150 000 inhabitants for the collection and the percentage sent for disposal was reduced to 0.2%, while the use of landfills in the province is further reduced to just over 17%. With the project system Modena 65 will aim to create a model shared with the citizens of Modena.
"We are building communities of recovery and recycling that Europe is asking us - Arletti ends - and the area of \u200b\u200bplant via Caruso will be upgraded with the goal of becoming a center of advanced recycling. In addition to replacing the old line to for better environmental performance also is expected to enhance the screening facility to increase the recovery of materials prior to incineration and to convert the hazardous waste and other hazardous waste to increase recycling. "

Friday, October 8, 2010

What If You Havea Erection In A Sauna


FLORENCE: THE TENSIONS student marches. THE EVENT OF RADICAL LEFT find groups of girl near CASAGGì started the "HUNT fascist." The right girl, attack, are defended.

"This morning, during the march organized by anti-Gelmini radical left, there were skirmishes, promptly reported by news agencies with emphasis and focus. Along the way, for the accuracy near Via Cavour, the parade sights a group of boys who are walking in the opposite direction on the sidewalk. Nothing strange, except that the group included some guys closer to our community center and right active in the ranks of Youth Action - Young Italy. "

"Within a few moments, the procession stops and many activists of the radical left, their faces covered, are trying every means to attack the boys. Megaphones from the start of team orders, inciting the demonstrators to hurl against them. The result is a struggle in which the boys try to defend themselves as they can, before the quarrel is quelled and the procession sets out again. "

"It is not our intention to make the victim or kick up a fuss, we are a militant belonging to the right social structure and identity, conscious of acting in a difficult territory, where certain attitudes are absolutely predictable" .

"However, the organizers of the parade - that we know well - ask to stop labeling the events as part of the moments of student participation open to all. It has never been so, and today we have had the rebuttal: Just a militant right-wing're walking down the street, to be attacked. "

"We are not new to such incidents and always served an unprecedented cowardice, hundreds of people who throw them a few guys, faces covered, hymns of hatred, incitement meaningless. All this in addition to many professors who participated in the parade, the same as tomorrow will be behind a chair to teach us how to live ".

"The incident today does not change one iota our militancy in schools, which will be boosted in the coming days, in spite of protests, strikes and girotondi streets. The student world of the right of identity which is headed by Casaggì Florence is a reality that has several hundred members and which can not be silenced by anything or anyone. "